Milk & Mother Nature

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


This design brief outlines a major project to create an interactive web visualization focusing on biodiversity preservation and its relationship with anthropogenic climate change. The goal is to craft a compelling narrative using diverse datasets related to regions, species, biomes, or global biodiversity. The visualization should be presented as a static web page, resembling online data journalism, featuring multiple quality charts and visuals supported by concise text (around 1,000 words, excluding headings and references). The primary emphasis is on clarity and simplicity, with the writing complementing the visuals, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity preservation amidst climate challenges while providing a user-friendly experience. Accurate data sourcing, interactivity, and a focus on solutions are essential components of this project.

Design Approach

The website's purpose is to educate parents about the environmental impact of milk consumption and encourage them to make informed choices for their children's health. Targeting parents with children under 10, the site uses a friendly mascot and child-friendly typography, with a consistent use of blue for reliability. Environmental data is sourced from reputable Our World In Data and displayed in bar graphs for easy comparison, highlighting the environmental damage caused by the dairy industry. Non-environmental data, such as milk costs and nutritional information, is obtained from packaging and major retailers. The goal is to convey the dairy industry's environmental impact, guiding users towards alternatives through engaging visuals and external resource links.


Birthday Invitations